AOA Decals 72-005: Dogs of War
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$15.00 (free US shipping) |
Reviewer: |
Scott Van Aken

AOA Decals
has produced a great sheet and the first full sheet for this aircraft I've seen.
This one is for the O-1A/E/G Bird Dog with various operators during the Vietnam
war. There are 23 different markings options on the sheet for four different air
Of course,
most are for the US Army and there are ten total schemes covering the
21st Black Aces, 184th Nonstop, 199th
Swamp Fox, 203rd Hawkeyes, 219th Headhunters, 220th Catkillers, and 221st
Shotguns Reconnaissance Aviation/Airplane Companies (RAC).
These aircraft are all painted overall olive drab, though some planes have white
or yellow upper wings control surfaces, or da-glo patches or large white areas
in the upper wing or combinations. The Army planes are all O-1Gs.
Most of us are familiar with the USAF planes from the kits and
there are six schemes, all in overall 16473 ADC Grey. Most of these are O-1Es
though there are a pair of O-1Gs in the mix. Some may have had white upper
Cannot leave out the USMC and two of the red and white rudder VMO-6
planes are included. These are both in overall 34097 field green.
Then we get to five Vietnamese Air Force planes. Some are in a
light grey and some in an olive green, but they are not the same greys and
greens as the US planes are painted. The light grey is a very light grey that is
almost white. The green is greener than Army OD, and darker than USMC field
green. The Vietnamese planes have no stencils showing they were overpainted in
local colors. Some of the Vietnamese insignia have overly long bars on them and
some planes have insignia on the upper and lower surfaces of both wings.
The decals are superbly printed by Microscale and AOA has one of
the best color and markings guides in the business. Each aircraft has detail
information about it including the various antenna suites that they carried. A
full stencil guide is provided for those planes that carried them. I recommend
visiting the link below to get more information on the schemes uses. In this
scale, the only kit of which I am aware is the venerable Airfix kit. Pavla makes
a replacement interior for it that is highly recommended.
November 2015
Thanks to
AOA Decals for the review sheet. You can find this
sheet and images of all the options
at this link.
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