AML AMLD 48-015: Lavochkin La-5F
$ |
See review |
Includes resin upgrade parts |
La-5 has not been well represented in 1/48 decals and even less is offered for
the early La-5F. To my knowledge, the only early La-5 is by Zvezda. I know
Hobbycraft did an La-5, but I think it was a later version and then was more of
an La-7 according to 'those who know'.
This sheet offers six markings options, most in in the two greys over light blue camouflage scheme.
First up is the plane of Maj Kunecov of the 760 IAP with a large eagle fuselage art work.
White 02 with the red nose and spinner was flown by LtCol Onufriyenko with the 31 IAP in early 1944.
a two greens upper surface camo is white 20 which has a patriotic slogan on the
fuselage and is from the Leningrad front in 1944.
White 78 is of Capt Yevstigneyev of the 178 IAP in Hungary during 1945.
White 92 is also from the last month of the war and flown by Cpt Kravocov.
Not shown is a captured version with a yellow nose and fuselage band. Something a bit different and for those who like to build captured planes.
The instruction sheet is in full color an offers a number of paint options. This set also includes a resin upgrade set that includes a new nose bulge and exhaust bits. No instructions are provided for installing it and it looks like some surgery will be needed to the Gavia kit to use it.
Thanks to me for picking this one up.
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