Sheet # |
Aeromaster 48-242 New World Fishbeds |
Price: |
$7.00 |
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The most prolific jet
aircraft of the 60's and 70's has to be the Mig-21 Fishbed. Built in large
numbers and used by a large number of air forces throughout the world, the
Mig-21 is still in service. In fact, currently, there is a booming business in
Mig-21 modernization. It is interesting to note that quite a bit of this work is
being undertaken in Israel, mostly for ex-Eastern Bloc countries who still need
a capable interceptor, but cannot afford new aircraft.
The aircraft is still being produced in China, that version looking very much like the early Mig-21F, but again, with more capable avionics. This is the Shenyang F-7 and is used by such countries as Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Albania.
In Europe, the most used version is the Mig-21 MF and Mig-21bis. They are nearly identical to each other, but the true Mig expert can tell the slight differences!
The first aircraft on this sheet is a Slovakian MF. It is in green/brown upper with light blue lower. The insignia and numbers are two piece decals so that registrations isn't a problem.
Next is a Hungarian MF in a homebrewed color scheme of tan and green over light blue. Again, the insignia and numbers are two-part decals.
The German MF is a farewell scheme for JG-1 in green and brown over light blue. Insignia and special decals are two parters.
A Croatian Mig-21bis is next and appears to be an ex-East German aircraft as it carries the same color scheme. Current Croatian Mig-21s are in an overall light grey.
Finally a Serbian Mig-21MF. This is in overall light grey with lighter patches where the tactical numbers were overpainted. Insignia are in three parts with the white, red, and blue being separate.
Overall, a nice sheet for the OEZ or Academy 1/48 Mig-21.
Review copy courtesy of me and my wallet!!
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