Aeromaster 48-318: Fighting Polikarpovs Pt.4

Units: various




Scott Van Aken

This sheet contains four markings options for the Polikarpov I-153. While the sheet is designed for the Classic Airframes version, I see no reason why it wouldn't fit the ICM or AMG kit.

First up is Red 12 in an overall aluminum finish. This aircraft was captured by the Finns in June 1941. It was rehabed and entered Finnish service as IT-19.

Next in green and black over light blue is white 102. It was carrying the RS-82 rockets.

In a scheme of sprayed aluminum with green mottles is Red 15 from 1941.

Finally, one of many captured planes is this Finnish AF I-153, IT-16. It is in standard continuation war colors of green/black over light blue. This aircraft also carried the code VH-16 and that is supplied as well.

The sheet comes with extra insignia with silver outlines. The sheet itself is printed by Microscale.

February 2019

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