Fw-190D-11 Conversion for Tamiya Fw-190D-9
from Robert Stephenson
Preview by Scott Van Aken
Robert Stephenson has produced a couple of nice conversions for the Tamiya Fw-190D-9. One (poor photo at right) is for the Fw-190D-11 and another not pictured is for the D-12/13. The D-11 conversion consists of a new upper engine cowling, nose ring, supercharger intake, propellor (with a choice of two spinners), open and closed cowl flaps and the upper and lower gun bulges/ejector chutes.
For those of us wanting to do any one of several sheets that have these versions on them, this conversion is a must. The resin is crisp and bubble-free, though I would have wished for more definition on the cowl flaps, it is only a minor point and one that should not prevent you from contacting Robert. Just click on his name at the top of the review to ask for more information concerning this fine conversion.
In a later issue, I'll let you know how it
worked out.