Midlantic Models 1/43 Ferrari 612P
KIT #: | MID 46 |
PRICE: | around $60 or so |
DECALS: | One option |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
NOTES: | Resin, cast metal, rubber and vacuformed plastic |
purchased this kit back in 2005 or so and just found it the other day when
cleaning behind some shelving. Guess it had fallen back behind it and been
These kits all seem to come in a standard sized cardboard box that is quite sturdy. This one is a true multi-media kit with the body, wing, and engine block made of resin while the rest of the kit, save the tires, is some sort of metal. Two photo etch frets are included with the attachment points so small that I had parts depart the fret during handling. The rest is basically cast metal and very nicely cast it is as well. Same for the resin. No pits, runs or errors that I could find. A single vacuformed windscreen is included with the kit.
you can see from the parts layout, there are a lot of small bits. Most of these
pieces are for the wing support and for the rear suspension pieces. One does
have to build up the rear suspension and it includes half shafts, brake
assemblies and uprights as well as the cast metal control arms and brake
ducting. The engine has 12 separate velocity stacks (those bits in with the
tires) and separate exhaust as well. The interior is a large cast metal part
with most of the inside bits being photo etch. This is also true of the various
radiator grilles and small aero devices. If you are getting the idea that this
kit may be a tad fiddly, you would be correct. Most of the well done 1/43 car
kits today are quite fiddly and so you do need patience and experience to do a
credible job. Despite that, I like doing these every once in a while.
kit's instructions have three color photos of the build up on one side and the
other has several drawings of where the bits fit. There is also a list of the
parts and the color they are to be painted. The kit includes a pair of decal
sheets, though only one is shown. This is probably to help prevent the red color
from bleeding through the white numbers.
Overall, a very nice kit of an important, though rather unsuccessful Ferrari racer. It is one that I think most who like doing CanAm models will want to add to their collection, assuming it is still available as models like these often don't last very long on the market.
Race stats from www.racingsportscars.com
February, 2006 If you would like your product reviewed fairly and quickly, please
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