McDonnell XF-88 Voodoo |
BY: |
Steve Pace |
Ginter |
The advent of very long range
bomber aircraft and the equally important development of jet fighter aircraft
meant that escorts for these bombers needed to be able to fend off attacking jet
fighters. And herein lay the problem. Piston engined fighters were at their
zenith in terms of development. While they were able to escort the bombers, they
didn't have the speed to protect them from defending jet aircraft. Jet powered
aircraft of the time did not have anywhere near the range of the bombers they
were to be tasked to escort.
The Air Force saw this
problem and in 1945 put out a request for an aircraft to meet the following
Single seat, twin engine, swept wings,4-6 20mm cannon, ability to carry ordnance
or drop tanks, 600 mph speed, 5 minute climb to 50,000 feet, 1500 mile combat
Eventually there were three prototypes built to meet these challenges: the XF-88 from McDonnell, the XF-90 from Lockheed, and the XF-93 from North American. The end result is that none of them met the requirements as the entry of the Soviet Union into the Nuclear Club made the Air Force change their mind about needing a 'penetration fighter' and to start concentrating on aircraft to intercept Russian bombers.
The story of the XF-88 was not entirely over as it was used to help develop a supersonic propeller and was eventually developed into the F-101 Voodoo.
Steve Pace's book looks very much like every Ginter book I have ever read. There is a plethora of interesting photographs and an equally good write-up on the aircraft type and its history. All the photos are crisp and clear and large, which is a boon for modelers. There is also a section on available kits for the aircraft in question with accompanying reviews. The only color in the book is on the front cover, but don't let that dissuade you from picking up this fascinating history of an equally interesting aircraft.
Just an aside: I live near St. Louis, home of McDonnell Aircraft. It is with some chagrin to see official manufacturers photos now credited to Boeing!
Review copy courtesy of me and my wallet!! If any of you manufacturers or shop owners want to send products for review and building, please contact me.