Title: |
Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack |
Author: |
Yefim Gordon |
Publisher |
Red Star |
Price |
$29.95 from Specialty Press |
Reviewer: |
Notes: | ISBN: 1-85780-147-4 |
one of the most impressive modern bombers is the Tu-160. It has had the
misfortune of coming into service right when the Soviet Union fell apart
and as a result, has not seen the numbers or the use that it would have if
the communist state was still in control. Nonetheless, it is an amazing
aircraft; one of the most technologically advanced and complex aircraft
ever produced.
Before getting into the book itself, here are the usual stats: 8½ x11, softbound, 128 pages, around 200 color and black & white photos with line drawings and color side views.
The development of this aircraft was as much in response to the US B-1 as anything else. The Soviet manned bomber program was relegated to a lower status with the Soviet's impetus on strategic missiles. With the passing of Kruschev went the push that was given to the missile programs. Later leaders saw that the bomber force was falling behind and so what was needed was a new, high speed bomber. A number of fascinating design studies were undertaken, including the Sukhoi T-4, a titanium bomber that flew in prototype form, but was too advanced for its time.
Through the usual political intrigue and the closing and combining of design beaureax, Tupolev was left as the only bomber design team left and the results of their work was the Tu-160. In a hurry to get the plane into service, both training and development were undertaken simultaneously with operational crews providing much of the testing of the aircraft. This lead to some interesting developments, to say the least.
After finally getting the initial unit going on the aircraft, the Soviet Union dissolved leaving its entire Tu-160 force in the Ukraine, a country that had no nuclear ambitions and no need for the planes. Again, more intrigue regarding these planes and the scrapping of several, one with only 100 flight hours!
In addition to the story of the aircraft's development, there are a huge number of quality photos of the aircraft as well as several pages of line drawings and profiles. This is the most complete history of a most remarkable aircraft and is sure to please those who have an interest in Russian aircraft or modern bombers (surely a disappearing breed). A book I can recommend.
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