Stratus Publications' Polish Wings #37: UTI MiG-15


Lechoslaw MusiaƂkowski




$25.00 from Casemate Publishers


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 112 pages, softbound, A-4 format
ISBN: 978-83-6

With the advent of turbojet aircraft came a need for a dedicated trainer to teach those not used to the somewhat fussy turbines. The Soviets developed the two seat MiG-15UTI to fill the need to train new MiG-15 pilots. This made an effective trainer as its flight characteristics were very similar to the new jet fighters they'd be flying. It also served well when the MiG-17 and MiG-19 came into service later on.

One of the nations that operated the two seat MiG was Poland, who obtained a goodly number of both types of MiG-15. Indeed, these planes lasted in PAF service for decades until the last planes were retired in 1991. Even then, some were sold to warbird enthusiasts who continue to fly them.

In PAF service there were several variants operated and all are covered in this book. First there were the standard UTI MiG-15 built either in the USSR or in Czechoslovakia. Later, due to a lack of new build aircraft, a number of retired MiG-15s were converted to two seaters and called SBLIM-1. Some of these were modified into artillery spotter aircraft by removing the back seat flight controls and called SBLIM-1ART. As time wore on spares for the original engines, ran dry so the larger engines and rear fuselages from the LIM-2 fighter were used. This created the SBLim-2 series of two seaters. The ART planes that were reconfigured to standard trainers became theSBLIM-2M. It seems confusing, but the book covers each one of the types and makes it quite clear.

This book follows the format of previous editions with a fairly in-depth developmental history. It then goes into PAF operations covering every unit that operated the type. What is a major draw for many of us are the superb photographs that are part of the series. This includes a very large number of superb full color profiles based on various photos that is a trademark of the series. I dare say that almost every aircraft built is covered in this way, making this an exceptionally image intensive volume. This particular edition is entirely in English, which is important for most readers. Another excellent book in the series and one that I know you will like.  

April 2024

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