Stratus Publications' Polish Wings #25: Fokker E.V/D.VIII
Author: |
Tomasz J. Kopański |
Publisher |
Stratus |
Price |
£15.00 |
Reviewer: |
Notes: |
80 pages, softbound, A-4 format ISBN: 978-83-65958-25-9 |
When Poland
was reconstituted as a nation after the end of WWI, it was important for them to
get an air force of some sort as nationhood did not come without struggle in the
turbulent post war years. First there was conflict with Ukraine, Germany, and
later with Bolshevik Russia.
However, Poland had no aircraft manufacturing up and running to build new planes, so the only choice was to rely on what was already in country. This meant a variety of German types that had been sent to a storage area in what was now Poland.
Amongst those types was the Fokker E.V. This was a late war type that outperformed everything in the air at the time. It was eagerly received by German pilots who reveled in the speed and climbing ability of the new fighter. Unfortunately, the wings were not built by Fokker and the plywood structure failed on several occasions causing the type to be grounded until replacements were made. By then, the war was over so its combat career was short and fairly uneventful.
The E.V was the only real fighter available to Polish forces and for a while, was not really needed as the other side did not have them. The various two seat types were more than adequate for the tasks of spotting and reconnaissance. However, the Ukraine forces soon sent in fighters and the need for the Fokkers became apparent. A few were made airworthy and sent to the front lines where they had more success in ground attack than in air to air combat. Never available in numbers of more than two or three, the aircraft was an important addition to the early PAF. A captured version was also used for a few years by the Red Air Force, where it operated on skis during the winter months.
There are no extant examples of the type, but new planes are being built for enthusiasts and museums.
This book follows a tried and true format with most of the book being the history of the type while the rest of it are very large full color profiles and upper/lower views based on extant photographs. A very interesting camouflage and markings section is also in the book that tends to refute several myths on the colors used by these planes. In all, a fascinating read of the early PAF and an airplane that has captured the imagination of many.
January 2019
Review book courtesy of MMP Books, where you can order your copy of this and many other superb aviation and modeling books. Also available in the US from Casemate Publishing and in Australia from Platypus Publications. You can get yours direct from this link.
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