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48 pages, 9 x 12
inches, softbound ISBN: 978-3-941437-08-1 |
Luftwaffe im
Focus #18 has arrived after what seems like far too long since the last one, and once again, it is a superb edition with interesting
stories and previously unpublished photographs. As usual, the articles and
images cover the full gamut of Luftwaffe types including fighters, bombers, recce birds, ground attack and even a seaplane or two. There is also a pilot's
story and a closer look at a specific aircraft.
In the latter case, there are a couple of them of interest. One is a 21cm rocket equipped FW-190 of 3./JG 10 with the snake motif on the side during the last months of the war. It is more than just the aircraft, but also the operation of the unit during this time and the experiences with some very interesting weapons. The other plane is a previously unpublished series of photos of a KG 51 Me-262A as it is being disassembled by a recovery crew. Both of these stories include large color profiles.
Speaking of color, there are yet more color images for us. One covers a number of aircraft in what is a very sodden landing strip that has been inundated by the water from melting snows in the Ukraine. Add to this stories on Bf-110s, Ju-90s, Do-217Ks and the ever popular 'more', and you have another superlative issue.
As always, the large A4 format allow for some superb and large photographs, something I know we all have come to appreciate. Like the earlier LIF books, this one is dual English/German and is not only interesting but informative as well. There is delight in every page, making this book one that you simply have to get.
April 2011
Review book courtesy of Luftfahrtverlag-Start where you can order your copy and get up to date information on costs. American readers can get it at and at RZM.
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