Start's Heer im Focus #1




visit Luftfahrtverlag-Start for up-to-date information


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 72 pages, 9 x 12 inches, softbound
ISBN: 978-3-941437-56-2

This is the first of a new series of books from our friends at Start. It deals with the German Army during WWII and brings to readers basically the same format as their superb Luftwaffe and U-boot series. In line with those books this one provides not only high quality images that have never been published before, but a goodly number in full color from period Agfachrome images.

Since the majority of Germany's war was on the Eastern Front, it is not surprising that this edition provides rather extensive coverage of that part of the war within its 72 pages. It includes a large section on 18 Panzer Division and their efforts during the opening phases of Operation Barbarossa. There are also smaller section such as one on camouflage which I think you'll find interesting as well as one on emblems. Another is on a specific person and yet another on a vehicle type.

Everything you have come to expect from Start is in this initial edition and I can guarantee you will not be disappointed. It is a superb read that I very much enjoyed. As with all their publications, it is in both German and English. Well worth picking up and one I highly recommend.

October 2023

Review book courtesy of  Luftfahrtverlag-Start  where you can order your copy and get up to date information on costs.

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