Title: |
Front Row Center 4 |
Author: |
Erik Hildebrandt |
Publisher |
Cleared Hot Media, Inc |
Price |
$39.95 from Specialty Press |
Reviewer: |
Notes: | ISBN 978-0-9674040-7-X, Hardbound, 12X9, 172 pages |
is what we call a 'coffee table' book. That is one that is generally in the
'long' vice 'tall' format and chock full of superb color photography. In this
case, it is the fourth book on American air shows by author Erik Hildebrandt
with images taken during the 2008 air show season. In
his latest book, there are over 200 photographs, many of them full page in size,
that are simply breathtaking. The vast majority were taken from the air, to
provide a perspective on these aircraft that one simply cannot get from the
The majority of the aircraft in this book are aerobatic types that one might see at a world's aerobatic championship. They are piloted by some of the world's best aerobatic pilots and makes for a very long list. There are Mentors, Extra 300s, Saudachers, Pitts, and even some 'heavies' like Mustangs and P-40s and P-38s.
The book includes military types like the F-22, F-18, and special sections on the Blue Angels and the Red Arrows. Each of these sections is more than images, each includes an essay on the pilot and the sponsor of the aircraft. What it is like to fly the plane and the types of routine that these pilots and planes with provide for the audience on the ground. The last pages of the book have a section that just has images of individual aircraft that one might see.
All of it is pure eye candy of the best type as it is superbly done. If you are like millions who love air shows and the aircraft that participate in them, then this one is a must have for your library, or coffee table!
June 2009
Review book courtesy of
where you can order your copy of this and many other superb aviation and
modeling books. Visit their website at the link above or call them at
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