RAF-in-Combat's Squadrons #30: Spitfire V - Belgian & Dutch Squadrons
Author: |
Phil Listemann |
Price |
16.50 Euros, postage included |
Reviewer: |
Notes: | ISBN: 979-1096490-34-9 Available at www.raf-in-combat.com 48 Pages |
The German
invasion of Holland and Belgium in 1940 resulted in an exodus of a number of
pilots from both air forces to the UK. These pilots were used to form the basis
of the nation's air forces in exile, though under overall British control. It
was hoped to fill the ranks of these units with Belgian or Dutch personnel, but
often as not, at least many of the maintenance people had to be standard RAF. To
comply with the RAF way of doing things, these pilots has to go through some
level of retaining befor being ready for combat.
Most of the fighter units eventually flew various marks of Spitfire and this volume concentrates on the Spitfire V period. There were two Belgian units, 350 and 349 squadron, with 350 flying the type the longest and being the most successful. The Dutch squadron was 322 and not as successful as the Belgian units as it flew fewer sorties during the Spit V period.
This book follows the usual format with a brief history of the type then the more extensive history of the units themselves. There are the usual information on victory and tables of losses as well as some great period photos and more than the usual number of superb full color profiles of aircraft used by these squadrons.
Thanks to all the well done research and choice of illustrations, it makes for a superb addition to the series and its reasonable price is one that should appeal to many.
January 2019
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Review book courtesy of www.raf-in-combat.com. Visit them for other great titles. You can get this one at this link.
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