USN Aircraft 1922 to 1962 Volume 7
Author: |
Phil Listemann |
Publisher |
RAF-In-Combat |
Price |
$22.00 |
Reviewer: |
Notes: | 82 pages over 100 photos. Also available as a .pdf. ISBN: 9791096490424 |
along, the folks at have continued with their series of
books concentrating on USN aircraft types from 1922 until 1962. This time frame
basically covers the old style of aircraft designations that was used by the
Navy for forty years until the system was unified in 1962. This review edition
is the printed version. This is mostly a photo book so there are lots of
great and fairly large images.
This volume continues with the "F" series of aircraft. In this case, we are talking about Grumman as the volume covers the XFF-1 up to and including the XF5F-1. This was a time of development for Grumman and started them on a decades long association with the USN that only ended with the F-14 and its partnership with Northrop (after Boeing bought up pretty much everyone else).
Each of the entries covers an explanation of all the letters and numbers in the type's nomenclature as well as the number built and the serial numbers of those planes. Variants each have their own section so you will find, for instance, a section on the XF4F-3 and another for the actual production F4F-3. Each section has a very nice selection of photographs, all of them fairly large and many of them in color.
It is a superbly researched and developed book and I am positive you will find it as interesting a read as did I. Highly recommended.
June 2019
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Review book courtesy of Visit them for other great titles. You can buy this edition at this link.
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