Osprey's The Great Expedition: Sir Francis Drake on the Spanish Main 1585/86


Angus Konstam


Osprey Publishing


$18.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 64 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softcover

The late 16th century was a time of not only exploration but also one of exploitation as the Spanish were busy ravaging the new world for treasures and causing hate and discontent in Europe in their bid to be a major world power. Thanks to the riches taken from the Peruvian mines, Spain was able to wage war and influence nations. This did not sit well with the English under Queen Elizabeth I, who were vehemently anti-Spanish, mostly for one of the oldest reasons in world history; religion. England was Protestant and the Spanish were Catholic and somewhat controlled by the Pope. In Europe proper, Catholic/Protestant wars were going on, mostly funded by Spain on one side and the English on the other.

It was felt that the Spanish needed to have their aura of invincibility broken and it was  determined that there would be no better way than to attack and plunder Spanish possessions in the New World. After all, the Spanish felt that they owned the Caribbean and went out of their way to prevent any interlopers from France or the UK from establishing themselves.

Francis Drake was part of one of these missions to do trade in this area when he was younger and the sting of defeat left a true hatred of the Spanish that never went away. Of course, many of these expeditions were for some sort of plunder and even those given the OK and backing of the Queen required that investors be given a return for their efforts.

Eventually, Drake, whose personal avarice was such that success in previous missions, while making him very wealthy, only increased his desire for riches, was given command of a flotilla of ships. The purpose of this voyage was to show the weakness of the Spanish by not only sacking and looting towns, but by holding them for ransom and showing that the English could attack any where or any time they wished. Needless to say, these events eventually led to open warfare against the Spanish.

This book by Angus Konstam shows just how successful Drake was in this endeavor. He not only successfully carried out his monarch's wishes, but also his own to do as much damage to the Spanish as possible. Each of the major engagements of this voyage are clearly explained along with maps, charts and period art work that portrays these events. From the Spanish coast to the Spanish Atlantic islands as well as those in the Caribbean; on South America's north coast and even Florida, Drake was unstoppable.

In all, one of history's truly remarkable tales and one that I know you will find as fascinating as did I. A book that I can highly recommend to you.

March 2011

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