Osprey's German Special Forces of World War 2


Gordon Williamson, illustrated by Mike Chappell


Osprey Publishing


$18.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 64 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softcover
ISBN: 978-1-84603-920-1

To some, it seems that only the Allies had Special Forces troops during the war. This is very much not the case as practically all the major powers had units that would fit into that title. These troops were used in situations where the very best was needed for operations that had the potential of being quite hazardous.

Some of the more notable operations involving German special forces would be the rescue of Mussolini from the Gran Sasso by Otto Skorzeny and his glider-borne troops and the use of English-speaking troops in US uniforms to cause deception and chaos behind the lines during the Battle of the Bulge. Other operations included the kidnapping of the son of the Hungarian regent, and the use of one and two man midget submarines.

These all required men who were in top physical condition and who were committed to the cause. All branches of the German military had these units. Already mentioned is Otto Skorzeny's units and the units of the Kreigsmarine with their small submarines. The Navy also used frogmen in various attempts to destroy Allied installations. For the Luftwaffe, there was KG 200, a unit that was involved in a number of special operations from the use of captured US aircraft to shadow US bomber streams and to drop agents, to the Mistel flying bombs and other covert ops.

In his book, author Gordon Williamson has a look at the beginnings of these forces, including the rivalry between the army and the Waffen SS. Then there are sections on these units in the Army, SS, Kriegsmarine, and Luftwaffe. All of this is illustrated by a goodly selection of period photographs and that artwork of Mike Chappell. This includes uniforms that were worn by the various units through the war. A truly interesting and somewhat unique look at units that have not had all that much written about them. A book I found quite engrossing and one that I can easily recommend to you.

January 2010

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