
Operation Dragoon 1944


Steven J. Zaloga, illustrated by John White


Osprey Publishing


$19.95 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 96 pages, 7¼ x 9¼ inches, softcover

One of the least studied and more controversial operations of WWII was the Allied landing in southern France; Operation Dragoon. It was vehemently opposed by Churchill, who wanted to use the forces in the Balkans instead. However George Marshall, the US Army Chief of Staff insisted that the liberation of France and the push towards Germany from the south of Europe was more important to the overall war effort.  It was felt that this would take the pressure off the operations in Normandy and help to thin out the German resistance.

What occurred was one of the most successful operations of the war. The Germans had already leached away most of its good forces from the south for use in Normandy and so when Dragoon fully unfolded, it was met with less resistance than what it would have faced a few months earlier. The result was that France was liberated much sooner than was expected as the Germans decided it was better to form a strategic retreat back to the German border. It doesn't mean that the fighting was not fierce, for it was not at all a cake-walk. The Allies did have an 'ace up their sleeve' on this one in the form of the French resistance. The FFI or Maquis were everywhere, harassing the Germans behind the lines and making it difficult for them to get resupplied or to move around. Though not a strongly armed force, the resistance kept the Germans constantly on watch and this further eroded their ability to fight.

Steven J. Zaloga tells the story of this operation, which was the largest amphibious operation in Europe outside of Normandy, including the personalities involved and the planning in addition to the events themselves. The book is further enhanced by a superb selection of photographs and the outstanding artwork and maps of illustrator John White.  Like all Osprey titles, it is highly recommended and one that you will find as fascinating a read as did I. 

August 2009

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