Tank Plans #2: Challenger 1 MBT


Dariusz Karnas & Richard Kent


MMP Books


$11.99 from Casemate Publishers


Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN 978-83-67227-65-0, A-4 format

After a five year hiatus on this series, we now have the second volume in MMP's Tank Plans series. This time, it concentrates on the Challenbger I. One area of publishing that has been growing over the years are scale plans. As such, MMP has produced several series of books that provide these for fans.  The book is 6 pages and covers all the major scale; 1/72, 1/48, and 1/35.

These plans are on two page fold outs and offer superb scale drawings of both the standard and the desert versions. Five views are provided that include both sides, front and rear, and top. These are not only helpful for modelers, but are interesting in their own right for enthusiasts.

August 2024

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My thanks to Casemate Publishers for the review sample. You can get yours at this link.

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