Mushroom Models Publications' Single #50: Caudron-Renault CR.714 Cyclone


Belcarz, Strzelczyk, & Holda


Mushroom Model Publications


$11.95 from


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 24 pages, ISBN 978-83-67227-34-6

This next edition of MMP's Singles series is on the Caudron-Renault CR.714, and aircraft that has fascinated both enthusiasts and modelers for many years. Designed as a lightweight fighter based on a successful Caudron racing airplane, it never lived up to expectations. The French thought it was dangerous to fly so gave it to Polish pilots who never got around to using it in combat. A pair were given to the Finns who flew them one or two times and then put them in storage as they found them unsuitable. Fortunately, one of the Finnish examples survived intact and has since been donated to the Polish Aviation Museum for restoration.

In line with the other releases, this one is in the large A4 size with several distinct sections. There is no history of the type, but there are superbly done plans in 1/72 and 1/48 scale. The book includes a goodly number of illustrations of various parts of the plane from technical manuals as well as photos of extant aircraft.  The book finishes up with large, full page color views of a camouflaged type.

It is another great addition to the MMP family of books that offers all that both the modeler and the enthusiast are seeking in a plans/detail book on a specific aircraft without going into a ton of detail. I found it be well done and one that I can highly recommend to you.

May 2024

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