MMP Books/Stratus PZL Combat Fighters


Artur Jaszczak






Scott Van Aken

Notes: 96 pages, softbound, landscape format ISBN978-83-67227-32-2

This latest book from MMP Books/Stratus is on the line of PZL combat fighters. These aircraft were all built by the State Aircraft Works and at the time of the introduction of the PZL.7 were considered to be some of the best fighters in the world. Such was the speed of development in fighter aircraft that what was the best when introduced, was nearing obsolescence a few years later and woefully inadequate a short time later. Regardless, the type was fairly easy to built, easy to maintain and easy to fly with the better pilots having some success against more advanced foes.

The book starts off with a history of the types covered as well as information on their introduction and operation in the air forces of other countries. The aircraft were built in a number of subvariants based on the needs of the customer and this generally meant different engines and armament selection. Covered in the book are P.7, P.11, and P.24 aircraft.

This is a profile book that provides full page profiles of a very nice variation in types, camouflage schemes and markings. Each entry has information on the aircraft in question. This includes the colors used in the camouflage scheme. The book is dual language Polish and English and is well written. In all, it is a lot of eye candy and it provides inspiration to modelers who may want to duplicate a scheme shown within. A very enjoyable book and one that I can easily recommend to you.

May 2024

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My thanks to Casemate Publishers for the review copy. You can get yours today at this link.

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