Author: | Alan Ranger |
Publisher | Mushroom Model Publications |
Price | $25.00 from |
Reviewer: | Scott Van Aken |
Notes: |
80 pages, paperback ISBN 978-83-65958-79-2 |
Books has done a series of photo essays in the 'Camera On' series. The subjects
are often military vehicles of WWII and this one continues with the Krupp Protze.
The Protze runs on a flat four air cooled engine, what is now called a 'boxer' engine and the type of engine used by VW for decades. This allows for a sloped hood that provides excellent visibility to the driver. The truck has six wheels with the rear four being driven. It was developed prior to the take-over of the Nazi party in Germany with production starting in 1934 and continuing until 1941. Over 7,000 were built, which doesn't sound like a lot to US production standards, but for the German army it was quite a few.
There were two basic mods. They could be visually identified by the size of the front bumper with the later, and more widely built variant having a longer one as shown on the cover photo. Initially developed as a prime mover for things like the 37mm anti-tank gun, it was also developed into a transport for soliders, a standard truck, radio truck and a number of other variations. The Protze served on all fronts and until the end of the war.
Typical of all of the other books in the series, this is a photo book pure and simple. Any information on the vehicle is provided in a short introduction and through the captions of the many photos in the book. This sort of thing is a boon to modelers and enthusiasts alike. It is a welcome addition to this series. Apparently readers like these books as the titles are continuing into the future. Well worth picking up.
October 2020
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