Author: |
Kari Stenman & Karolina Holda |
Publisher |
Mushroom Models Publications |
Price |
$52.00 from |
Reviewer: |
Notes: |
ISBN 978-83-65958-48-8 224 pages, hardbound, color profiles and photos, 8.25x11.5 inches |
MMP Books
seems to be on a campaign to provide camo and markings enthusiasts with a nice
line of quality books on those air arms or subjects that have not been all that
well covered. This particular edition is on Finnish seaplanes with a small
section on similar German planes based in Finland during WWII.
Finland came into being in 1917 when Russia was defeated by the Germans. There then followed a period of civil war, mainly against the red Russian forces who did not want to lose that territory. Once the dust had settled in 1918, it was time for Finland to not only gather together a proper military force to hold off Russian and later Soviet aggression, but to start to build up those forces.
Finland has a lot of lakes and other bodies of water so there was a need for aircraft that could operate from the water. Initially, these aircraft were those left behind by the Russians as well as some acquired from Germany, however, these were generally not in the best shape and lasted only a few years, some not even that long.
The early 1920s was a time when it was important for aircraft to have multiple uses as funds were tight. Initially, Breguet 14 bombers were purchased with a number of them being put on floats. Locally built aircraft were also used and they, too, were convertible from land to seaplane.
The first type purchased to operate pretty much only on floats was the Hansa W33, which was built under license in fairly large number for the time. This was followed by a variety of different types, built in varying numbers that include the Ripon, Junkers F.13, Do-22, and He-115. In addition, a variety of German types including the Ar-196, Bv-138, He-59 and others operated from Finnish waters during WWII.
As with all aircraft, these went through a variety of camouflage changes. Initially the majority of these were in overall silver, however, during the Winter War, some were hurriedly painted with a disruptive scheme using an olive green. By the time of the Continuation War, all had been camouflaged in the standard Warpaint scheme used in Finland at that time.
In line with other books in this series, it is profusely illustrated and we are blessed that the Finns took great photographs of their aircraft. Some of these images are in color as well. In addition, there are a large number of full page color profiles of the main aircraft types, each of these matching a photograph of the aircraft in question. In the Appendices we are provided with a guide to insignia and aircraft markings as well as a nice chart that provides FS595 equivalents for the various colors used on the major types cover.
This is all put together in what is an outstanding reference and inspiration for the modeler. Like other books in this series, I can easily provide my highest recommendation.
May 2021
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