Author: |
Publisher |
Kagero |
Price |
$19.95 |
Reviewer: |
Notes: |
Camouflage & Decals #2, 40
pages. ISBN 978-83-66673-21-2. 55002 |
This is one
of the books in Kagero's new releases. The book provides both superb color
profiles from other Kagero books along with a nice decal sheet. In the past,
Kagero books were known for providing decals or photo etch or masks with their
books as a bonus, but that was discontinued many years ago for various reasons.
According to Kagero, only the first five books in this series will be based on
previously published profiles.
This book concentrates on the Bf-109A-F.
Coincidentally, it includes a plane that is in one of their older Top Colors
books that I currently have on my work bench. It appears that, at least for the
initial efforts, that the decals will be generic in nature. This means they are
insignia sheets. This sheet includes some Spanish Civil War roundels and rudder
crosses as well as split swastikas to go along with the early war
markings. These are in 1/72 and 1/48 scale. There is a fairly large color chart
that provides information with several brands of paint. What is not provided is
any inkling of color information for each of the profiles so the reader who
wants to duplicate any of these schemes is pretty well left on his own.
I anticipate that this series will do very well with modelers everywhere. The profiles in themselves are worth the asking price with the decal sheet being a bonus.
April 2021
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