Aircraft Pictorial #2: SB2U Vindicator
BY: |
Dana Bell |
Classic Warships Publishing $18.00 |
Landscape Format, 72 page |
Those of
you who build ship models or have an interest in the subject know that one of
the finest reference books out there are those in the Classic Warship series.
They have now decided to put that same amount of expertise and attention to
aircraft and for their second subject have chosen the popular SB2U Vindicator.
This 72 page book is in landscape format so that we can be treated to the largest possible reproduction of photographs and art work without having the images and illustrations going over 'the trench' in the middle of the book.
The book starts with a brief history of the aircraft and the difference between the types as well as experimental aircraft. All the known photographs of the two SB2Us involved in the Barclay camouflage experiments are also shown. There are scenes from the movie 'Dive Bomber' as well as images of the float version of the Vindicator.
There are sections on all the fleet squadrons that flew the plane and these are illustrated using official Vought painting diagrams in color. The Marince Corps color painting diagram is also included, as are several full color period images of aircraft from the early 1940s. Along with all this we get detail shots of the various parts of the Vindicator including the interior, engine and accessory areas as well as a look at the different weapons that could be carried and the racks needed for the job.
In all, it is a superlative look at this pre-war aircraft. A book that is a must have for the serious modeler and for the enthusiast alike. A book I can highly recommend to you without reservation.
February 2010
Review copy courtesy of Classic Warships Publishing. They have a full selection of Nautical titles you will like. When you shop there, say Modeling Madness sent you.
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