Editor: |
Jay Sherlock |
Publisher |
Aero Research Co |
Price |
$10.95 |
Reviewer: |
Notes: | PdF Download # 5016 |
Next up is
the seventh edition of Aero Research's titles on Civil aircraft. These are not
your standard airliner types nor are there many in the way of warbirds, though
there are a few in there. These are images of planes from
small airlines, cargo types, executive aircraft, bush aircraft, a few racers and your normal
'guy with the money to buy and fly a plane' types.
Aircraft range all over the spectrum with a goodly number of images of planes that include Albatros L-39s, and others from Douglas, Beech, Lockheed, Cessna, deHavilland and a number of others. There are also quite a few black and white images in the mix. How about a C-74 or Hermes or an O-47? You will find these and a lot more in over 150 large images. While I got the PdF version, this is also available on CD for those who would prefer that medium.
In all, it makes for another superbly done selection of airplane eye-candy that will be sure to please the enthusiast.
February 2019
Copyright ModelingMadness.com. All rights reserved.
You can get more information by visiting www.AeroResearchCDs.com or e-mailing AeroResearch@Charter.net
Thanks to Aero Research for the Pdf.
If you would like your product reviewed fairly and quickly, please contact me or see other details in the Note to Contributors.