Editor: |
Jay Sherlock |
Publisher |
Aero Research Co |
Price |
$12.95 plus S&H |
Reviewer: |
Notes: | CD-ROM, Catalogue # 5014 |
Next up is
the 2nd disc that is dedicated to business jets. This disc contains 153
full frame images and like all their other offerings, this is not a details
product, but provides complete nose to tail illustrations.
It starts out with a bevy of Cessna Citations, then moves on to the Falcon series. There are also Gulfstreams, HS.125s, Lears, and Sabreliners. The majority of the images are US registered aircraft, though there are enough 'foreign' and governmental types to keep things interesting.
These types are seen all over the place where aircraft and money congregate, yet we see very little of them in the photo media. This helps to balance the scales a bit. In all, it makes for another superbly done disc full of airplane eye-candy that will be sure to please the enthusiast.
October 2018
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You can get more information by visiting www.AeroResearchCDs.com or e-mailing AeroResearch@Charter.net
Thanks to Aero Research for the review CD.
If you would like your product reviewed fairly and quickly, please contact me or see other details in the Note to Contributors.