Ship Craft #33:  British Light Cruisers

Author/Artists: Les Brown


Pen & Sword


$28.95 from Casemate


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 64 pages, softcover, 120 illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-

This volume from Ship Craft concentrates on Town, Colony, and later classes of light cruiser. Many of these ships lasted into the post-war era and were probably among some of the last ships of this class operated by the Royal Navy. The navy realized that in order to provide the numbers of cruisers it was going to build under the various inter-war treaties, that it needed to put efforts into smaller ships.

This series mixes history and modeling together and this book follows a familiar format. The first quarter of it is a history of the various ship classes. This includes any combat operations in which they were involved.  This is followed by a section covering various kits and accessories along with several feature builds in various scales. Several pages of plan drawings are provided and there is also a very nice section on the varied camouflage schemes carried by these ships. In addition to all this, in much of the book are some very nice and clear period photographs of these ships.  In all, it is a nice addition to the series and one you should seriously consider getting this one.

June 2024

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Review book courtesy of  Casemate Publishers, where you can order your copy of this and many other superb books. You can get this book at this link.

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