Peko's Through the Lens #3

Author/Artists: Tom Cockle


PeKo Publishers


$41.95 MSRP from Casemate


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 124 pages,  Hardback, 8.5 x 12 inches
ISBN: 978-615-6602-23-3

Peko's WW2 photo books have become very popular. This is as much to the quality and size of the images as anything else. This is something both enthusiasts and modelers have come to appreciate.

This one is the third volume of the TTL or through the lens series and provides images of a number of different vehicles. In this case, six vehicles are covered within the covers. These are various maultier tracked trucks, Panzer IIIE, Marder III, Tiger heavy tank, T-34/76, and the Steyr 1500. Not surprising is that most of the T-34 images are of tanks that have been put out of action.

As mentioned, all of the images are excellent and Peko has chosen a landscape format for its photo books. This ensures that none will be across the 'ditch' in the middle of the book as one finds so often from other publishers. Each of the photo captions provides information on the vehicle and often on the time, place, and situation of the photo.

Though published in Hungary, the book is in English, which adds to its appeal. As with other Peko books this one is most highly recommended.

June 2024

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Review book courtesy of  Casemate Publishers, where you can order your copy at this link

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