HMH's Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter & Tiger II

Author/Artists: Robert Pied & Nicolas Deboek


HMH Publishing


$36.00 MSRP from Casemate


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 138 pages, over 320 photos, softcover, 9.45 x 9.45 inches.
ISBN  978-2-931083-21-5

This latest edition is on the Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter and the later Tiger II. Despite the age of the aircraft with the last one built in the late 1980s. The longevity of the type is one of the reasons why the aircraft  was so popular. Developed as a lightweight interceptor, the twin engines provided good thrust to get to attacking aircraft. It was also a fairly good fighter bomber. What really made it popular was its positive performance in Vietnam.

Despite the fact that the last plane was built over 35 years ago, it is still in service with some air arms. That includes the US with ex-Swiss aircraft flying in the aggressor role. Iran has been keeping theirs in service and has developed their own variation with twin tails (which is also covered somewhat in this book). Pretty much all the users of the type have images within so it isn't just US planes.

As with other books in the series, you have various sections that include the Fuselage, Cockpit, Wings, Front and Main Landing Gear, Maintenance, and Things under wings, along with an In Action section of photos. Many of the images are, understandably, of the USN aggressor aircraft as they are more readily accessible. This is particularly true of the detail bits. It all makes for a superb book not just for those who like great photos, but those who are interested in more of the detail stuff. It is a book that I can quite easily recommend to fans of the type and modelers alike.

August 2023

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Review book courtesy of  Casemate Publishers, where you can order your copy at this link.

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