Helion's For Now and Forever Vol 1
Author/Artists: | Jose Daniel Fernandez Dugarte |
Publisher/Distributor |
Helion Publishing |
Price |
$29.95 MSRP from Casemate |
Reviewer: |
Notes: |
78 pages, softcover, over 100
images ISBN 978-1-804510-31-5 |
and South America has historically been somewhat unstable when it comes to the
governments. It is not unusual during the history of a nation to have the
established covernment overthrown either by rebel factions or by the military.
Venezuela is no exception. The period of the early 1990s was a particularly
troublesome time with multiple coup attempts, some of them rather bloody and
most of them unsuccessful. This lack of succes was generally due to a lack of
coordination with some factions not participating as planned leaving another in
the lurch. Such was the case in the early 1990s.
This volume is subtitled 'The 1992 coup d'etat attempts and the opening moves of the February 1992 coup'. The implication being that this last attempt at the overthrow of the government was successful and I guess we'll have to wait for volume 2 to get the details on that.
Probably no surprise to modern day readers, Venezuela has gone through times of boom and bust. In the last fourty years or so this was all tied to oil. Venezuela has large petroleum deposits, yet the money made from the sales of oil was not benefitting the general population as much as was hoped. It is no secret that the rich tend to want to keep as much for themselves as possible and Venezuela, as with many other Latin American nations was and is rife with corruption and graft.
Many politicians required the backing of the military to either stay in power of get in power. Without the military, most coup d'etat attempts failed. This particular volume provides a background to Venezuela's political past and the multiple events that led up to the 1992 insurrection. It is obvious during the reading of this book that the author has done his research. Not only that, but he does a superb job of telling the story and keeping the reader engaged. Illustrated with the usual fine period photos and a nice selection of profiles and artwork in the center section, it is a book that is interesting to read and one that I'm sure you will enjoy.
January 2025
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Review book courtesy of Casemate Publishers, where you can order your copy at this link.
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