Helion's Nuclear India

Author/Artists: Sanjay Badri-Maharaj


Helion  Publishing


$29.95 MSRP from Casemate


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 80 pages, softcover, approx 100 images
ISBN 978-1-914377-04-4

Over the decades, India has tried very hard to stay neutral is much of the world's politics. It has also had a military doctrine that did not start conflicts. However, India has neighbors who do not follow that military doctrine. There have been several wars with Pakistan and China with tensions still fairly high in areas bordering these two nations. These are generally regarding differences in opinion over the borders.

With a past history of concern with these two nations, both of whom have become nuclear powers, India decided that it would be wise to also become a nuclear power as a deterrent. So India has slowly been developing both tactical and strategic nuclear weapons and putting them into operational use.

In addition to having warheads, it takes a way of delivering them. So India has been developing and delivering a series of missiles in a variety of types and ranges. This includes submarine borne weapons. India has been developing SSBNs with one in service and several under construction. This will provide India with a viable triad of land, air, and seaborne platforms to deliver these weapons.

India has, rightfully, been very secretive about the numbers and locations of their weapons, but has decided on mostly mobile launching platforms as that offers the best survivability. India also does not really need at this time, an ICBM so their launch platforms generally are not those that reach beyond 5,500 km.

Having the weapons is one thing, but one also needs a well developed command and control system as well as a wide network of radars for tracking incoming aircraft/missiles. This has pretty well been done and is being upgraded. An operational anti-ballistic missile defense as well as ASAT capabilities are also being developed. In other words, they are developing or have in service the types of systems that are required by any major nuclear power.

The author has provided a very readable book that provides not only a look at systems but also the strategic and tactical thinking that goes into the nation's various developments. It takes a fairly complex subject and makes it understandable. Perhaps this is not a book for everyone, but if you have an interest in the subject or in the area of the world in particular, you will find this to be a book for you.

January 2022

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