Helion's The Erawan War vol 1

Author/Artists: Ken Conboy


Helion  Publishing


$29.95 MSRP from Casemate


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 56 pages, softcover.
ISBN 978-1-914377-06-8

While the US military was engaged in the Vietnam war, just next door in Laos, the Pathet Lao with support from the North Vietnames Army was undergoing a war to take of that nation. As the US was heavily involved in Vietnam, it was put to the CIA to deal with the communists in Laos.

What the CIA did, with support from their own airline, Air America, was to coordinate with the Laotian government to build up forces that were supported by Thai troops. This meant building battalions from the people who lived in various areas of Laos that were affected by the conflict. Amongst the most dedicated troops were the Hmong tribesmen who turned out to be some of the best soldiers. They were trained as paratroopers as well as adding to the flight crews and maintenance personnel of both Air America and the Laotian Air Force.

To say that the war was a see-saw conflict would be a bit of an understatement. During the dry season, communist forces were able to be on the offensive and take over territory. During the monsoon season, it was the Laotians that made their biggest gains. All this time, funded by the CIA in terms of weapons and other supplies. Though most planning was performed by local commanders, the CIA did send operatives to coordinate with Laotian forces during this time.

To most, the war in Laos is either totally unknown or only as a footnote. The author has provided another great read on little known conflicts. This one includes the basis for the conflict as well as the involvement of the CIA throughout the war. It looks into the formation of Air America as it became a major player in terms of moving supplies and troops to fairly remote areas as well as transporting refugees out of conflict areas. There is the usual section of color profiles and some color images to help enhance the other period photos that these books are known for. This is volume 1 and so it covers from the start into 1969. I have to assume that the second volume will continue until the end of the conflict and look forward to it. It is these types of wars that Helion does such an excellent job of portraying. I very much liked this book and I know that students of history and lesser known wars will like this one as well. Worth picking up.

February 2022

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Review book courtesy of  Casemate Publishing, where you can order your copy at this link.

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