Casemate's Luftwaffe Victory Markings 1939-45

Author/Artists: Phillipe Santes




$39.95 MSRP from Casemate


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 192 pages,  hardcover, over 140 photos and illustrations. 8x 10 inches.
ISBN: 978-1-6

When it comes to military aircraft, it has become fairly common for pilots/crews to mark their planes with their wartime accomplishments. This could be the number of photo missions, the number of bombing missions, or the number of enemy aircraft destroyed. The location of these mission markings have varied with some placing them towards the front of the aircraft while other put their markings on the tail. The Luftwaffe used the fin/rudder of their planes for these markings and that is the focus of this book.

Now, I have to tell you that this is not really a book just about victory markings though those play a prominent part of what is within the pages. It is more of a look at specific pilots for which there are a lot of photos that show the progression of a pilot's career during the war.

Some of the pilots are those of whom many have heard such as Herman Graf and Max Ostermann. Others are not as well known, but were quite successful. The book is divided in sections. Day fighter aces east, day fighter aces west, day fighter aces far north and day fighter aces Mediterranean. There is also a section on night fighter aces. Several of the sections, in addition to photos, provides the full talley of the pilot included date, place and type. The book is not only photo intensive, but includes full color profiles as well. .

All and all, this is a great title not only for those who are fairly well steeped in the subject, but for tyros as well. Highly recommended.

January 2022

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Review book courtesy of  Casemate Publishing. Get yours at this link

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