nice folks at the Australian Plastic Modelers' Association were kind enough to
send me a couple of this year's magazines. This is 2-16.
The magazine is A4 size and has a very thick soft cover. The cover inside and out contain full color photos, many related to articles on the inside.
The first article is on building a WWII German Danube River gunboat. This interesting article by Nelson Sprokett uses a Faller 1/87 kit as the basis of a 1/72 gunboat. A number of nice in work images are provided as well as one of the competed subject.
Next is the Bren Gun Carrier part 2. This article is by a number of folks and concentrates on those use by the Australian Army. There are a number of nice drawings of the different variants in both 1/35 and 1/72 scale. The cover and inside front cover have photos of extant versions.
The Breguet XIX is the next article and this includes both photos of an extant plane on the inside back cover, but also color profiles on the back cover.
Another interesting article is on Mekong Monitors by Ley Reynolds. This is the first part and includes a basic rundown on kits one can use to make the various conversions.
Next is a very interesting article by Jim Maas regarding Italian aircraft camouflage during the Spanish Civil War. This is nicely illustrated by images gleaned from the 'net.
Another nautical article by Nelson Sprokett concerns the variety of vessels used by the Croatian Navy in WWII. This includes photos and some nice drawings.
Lastly, a Wasp IIC flamethrower version of the Universal Carrier with photos of an extant version and a drawing of the installation.
In all, a nice publication and one that should interest most modelers. For more information on joining and getting these nice issues, visit their web site at
November 2016
My thanks to APMA for the review copy.
If you would like your product reviewed fairly and quickly, please contact me or see other details in the Note to Contributors.