nice folks at the Australian Plastic Modelers' Association were kind enough to
send me a couple of this year's magazines. This is 1-16.
The magazine is A4 size and has a very thick soft cover. The cover inside and out contain full color photos, many related to articles on the inside. Those that do not are two very nice warbird images of an I-153 and I-16 fighter, both with the engine cowlings open.
The inner covers both relate to the main article and that is the Renault UE Chenillette, a prewar and early war prime mover. These photos are taken of an example in the Romanian Military Museum in 2011. The article, written by Ley Reynolds covers a brief history of the type and a description of the various models that have been produced of this vehicle. The type was modified by the Germans after France capitulated in 1940 and so we have several pages of superb four view drawings of these vehicle modifications in both 1/35 and 1/72 scale.
Next, an article by David Clark on using the Red Roos conversion set to make a ski-equipped C-47 as used by the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition in 1960. It provides notes on using the set with the recent Airfix kit in 1/72.
Roger McLeod has a rather extensive article on modifying a Canberra into a specially modified cartographic aircraft. This many consists of a bomb bay mod to have the various panoramic cameras installed. This mostly consists of some excellent drawings and a description of all the Canberra kits that have been produced in 1/72 and 1/48 scale. Also included are images of extant Australian Canberras.
The final article is by Gwailu Mann and his research into Germany's post war Light Armored Tracked Vehicle, the Wiesel. The article concentrates on the history of the vehicle and the variants produced. There are 1/72 drawings included as well as a section on kits that have been produced and some very nice photos, some in color, of the vehicle.
In all, a nice publication and one that should interest most modelers. For more information on joining and getting these nice issues, visit their web site at
November 2016
My thanks to APMA for the review copy.
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