Pro Modeler 1/48 FW-190G-2/3

KIT #: 5949
DECALS: Four options
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: Hasegawa/Dragon tooling. 1998 release

Fw 190 G
The Fw 190 G was built as a long-range attack aircraft (Jagdbomber mit vergrösserter Reichweite – abbreviated JaBo Rei). Following the success of the Fw 190 F as a Schlachtflugzeug (close support, or "strike aircraft"), both the Luftwaffe and Focke-Wulf began investigating ways of extending the range of the Fw 190 F. Approximately 1,300 Fw 190 Gs of all variants were new built.[citation needed]
Fw 190 G-1
The G-1 was renamed from A-4/U8 Jabo Reis. Initial testing found that if all but two wing root mounted 20 mm MG 151 cannons (with reduced ammunition load) were removed, the Fw 190 G-1 (as it was now called) could carry a 250 kg (550 lb) or 500 kg (1,100 lb) bomb on the centreline and up to a 250 kg (550 lb) bomb under each wing.
Fw 190 G-2
The G-2 was renamed from Fw 190 A-5/U8 aircraft, similar to the G-1; the underwing drop tank racks were replaced with the much simpler V.Mtt-Schloß fittings, to allow for a number of underwing configurations.
Fw 190 G-3
The G-3 was based on A-6 with all but the two wing root mounted MG 151 cannons removed. The new V.Fw. Trg bombracks, however, allowed the G-3 to simultaneously carry fuel tanks and bomb loads

In line with the majority of Promodeler kits, this one is a rebox. It is based on the Hasegawa kit which is supposedly based on the Dragon/DML 190. Based on my minimal experience with the Dragon kit and the Hasegawa version, I'd have to say that this is quite possible. However, what ProModeler has done is to go through the available sprues to put together those that will allow the builder to do the variant being boxed. There are quite a few parts that won't be used so you can build up your spares box.

The cockpit is well done with a fairly good amount of detail. The kit does not provide decals for instruments so you'll need to paint those. The seat will very much benefit from a seat harness. The interior can be installed from the underside so you can glue together the fuselage halves right away. Note that you'll have to assemble and install the tail wheel before cementing the fuselage halves.

The engine cowling is four pieces that, along with the exhaust, need to be assembled about this time. One also assembles the main gear well which has a number of frames to attach. Unlike the Eduard kit, the inner wing guns have separate barrels so no worries about breaking those off during construction. Before attaching the gear well, one has to choose whatever holes need to be opened. Then the well assembly is glued in place and the upper wing sections are added. Then it and the horizontal stabs are glued in place.

Next the upper gun cover and the engine cowling are attached. Then the prop and fan can be built up and then attached to the front cowling piece and glued in place. Main gear and retraction struts are next. For the final bits one has to attach the centerline bomb rack and the bomb. If doing the G-3 version, the wing tanks and racks are assembled and attached. The last items are the windscreen, armor plating and canopy. The canopy can be posed open if one wishes.

Instructions are well done with generic and RLM color information. There are also photos of the real deal throughout the instructions. All four markings options are in RLM 74/75/76 with varying amounts of mottling. You are provided three G-2 options and a single G-3. The fairly large decal sheet is nicely done and should work just fine.


Surprisingly, this is, to my knowledge, the only 190G kit in this scale. It is not difficult to locate for $20-30.00. If you want a full set of 190s, this one needs to be added to your list. 


August 2024 

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