Hasegawa 1/48 Bf-109G-6 'Rumanian Air Force'
KIT #: 09497
PRICE: 2400 yen
DECALS: Two options
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: 2006 Limited Edition


The G series, or Gustav, was introduced in mid-1942. Its initial variants (G-1 through G-4) differed only in minor details from the Bf 109F, most notably in the more powerful 1,475 PS (1,085 kW; 1,455 hp) DB 605 engine. Odd-numbered variants were built as high-altitude fighters with a pressurized cockpit and GM-1 boost, while even-numbered variants were un-pressurized, air superiority fighters and fighter-bombers. Long-range photo-reconnaissance variants also existed. The later G series (G-5 through G-14) was produced in a multitude of variants, with uprated armament and provision for kits of packaged, generally factory-installed parts known as Umrüst-Bausätze (usually contracted to Umbau) and adding a "/U" suffix to the aircraft designation when installed. Field kits known as Rüstsätze were also available for the G-series but those did not change the aircraft title. By early 1944, tactical requirements resulted in the addition of MW-50 water injection boost and high-performance superchargers, boosting engine output to 1,800–2,000 PS (1,324–1,471 kW; 1,775–1,973 hp). From early 1944, some G-2s, G-3s, G-4s and G-6s were converted to two-seat trainers, known as G-12s. An instructor's cockpit was added behind the original cockpit and both were covered by an elongated, glazed canopy.

This is Hasegawa's standard Bf-109G-6 with a few additions to provide a correct variation for the decals provided. Hasegawa's kit is basically their 109F with bits to add onto it to make it a G model. This means filling some detail, scribing some other, trimming some areas, and opening some holes. None of this is difficult and the instructions are quite explicit on what needs to be done.

You get the usual nice cockpit with no belts and an instrument panel that can also take a form fitting decal. With this kit, you can build up the fuselage and then insert the cockpit from the underside before attaching the wing. Two different upper cowling pieces are provided depending on which markings option you are doing. Same for the right side gun cover. One option uses the G-5 style gun cover, something used by many G-6 airframes as a lot were produced that were not used on the pressurized variant.

The prop has separate blades and is glued in place as this is pre-polycap. Hasegawa also lets you install the exhaust after the kit is painted if that is what you want to do. You can install the wing mounted cannon gondolas if you wish. The kit provides separate flaps and radiator exhaust. The elevators can fairly easily be cut free if you wish to do that. Finally, two different canopies are provided with one being standard and the other being the Erla version.

Instructions are familiar for any that have built a Hasegawa kit and provide Gunze paint references. Two options are both in RLM 74/75/76. One is a wartime plane with the cross-style insignia and yellow eastern front markings. The other is a later plane with post-war insignia and white ID markings. This latter plane is what is shown on the box art. Decal sheet is nicely done and should work just fine.


While the Hasegawa kit is now not the top option for some modelers (having been usurped by the newer Eduard and the Tamiya offerings), it is still a solid build that is not as fussy as the Eduard kit. Many of us have built a fair number of Hasegawa kits and have enjoyed the experience.



July 2023

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