DML 1/72 Do-335A-1
KIT #: | 5009 |
PRICE: | $10.95 at the Navy exchange in 1992 |
DECALS: | one option |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
The Dornier Do 335 Pfeil ("Arrow") is a heavy fighter built by Dornier for Germany during World War II. The two-seater trainer version was called Ameisenbär ("anteater"). The Pfeil's performance was predicted to be better than other twin-engine designs due to its unique push-pull configuration and the lower aerodynamic drag of the in-line alignment of the two engines. It was Nazi Germany's fastest piston-engined aircraft of World War II. The Luftwaffe was desperate to get the design into operational use, but delays in engine deliveries meant that only a handful were delivered before the war ended.
is another of Dragon/DML's early 1/72 releases and like others, it concentrates
on late war or paper project aircraft. The 335 was kitted before this by both
Revell and Lindberg with the Revell being reboxed by Matchbox. There is a newer
kit by Hobby Boss and it is in their easy build series. Dragon kitted multiple
variations on the theme. The most recent boxing of this kit was a rebox by Hobby
2000 last year. Platz has also reboxed this kit.
It is a standard engraved panel like kit and includes a photo etch fret for engine detail and inner MLG doors. The kit provides two engines that can be shown if the appropriate fuselage access panels are cut open. Most of us won't do this as it is fairly major surgery. Finding enough room for nose weight is always a challenge with tail heavy kits like this. Dragon suggests using the large, separate wing leading edges for this, but I feel that may not be enough. If one isn't insistent on having a visible engine, they can be trimmed a considerable amount, but cannot be left off as they are needed to provide attachment for the exhaust. Conversely, blanking plates made from plastic card might be an option.
Interior is nicely done and provides a place to mount
the nose gear we.. I'm not sure if the nose gear needs to be attached before
closing the fuselage halves so I suggest some test fitting as it would make
painting a lot easier if you could. Props have separate blades. Keep in mind
that the angle of these are important as they turn different directions. The
windscreen and canopy are shown in the closed position, but you could easily
pose the canopy open if you so wished. Main gear are suitably complex and should
be quite sturdy when done.
Markings are for two airplanes. One is the box art aircraft with radio call numbers. The other just has the number 107 on the top of the fin. Decals are made in Japan so all the white parts are off-white. While I'm sure they are still viable, I'd suggest looking for aftermarket if you care about your white bits actually being white.
Dragon kits of this era have a reputation for being difficult to build. I've not found that to be the case, with careful construction being the key to a good build. Anyway, this is a good one for fans of the type, no matter whose box it comes in.
April 2023
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