KIT #: | 016503 |
PRICE: | $21.00 SRP |
DECALS: | One option |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
NOTES: | Re-issue |
If nothing else, Kurt Tank, the main designer at Focke-Wulf, was a man who anticipated things. While production of the Fw-190 was underway, he was also working on a high altitude version of the aircraft. At this same time, the RLM was looking for a way to intercept the high altitude bombers that the Allies were sure to develop. Current fighters just were not capable of performing that task. The RLM put for the proposal during 1942, asking both Messerschmitt and Focke-Wulf to come up with designs. Messerschmitt offered the Me-155, and Tank offered something based on the current Fw-190.
Well, as luck would have it, Messerschmitt had nothing but problems with the -155 and had to turn over development to Blohm und Voss, as other projects kept him from working on it. Tank, on the other hand, was able to produce functioning prototypes using the Jumo 213 engine by late 1944. In fact, Tank envisioned a whole series of aircraft, including a low level fighter, a fighter-bomber and high altitude interceptor. The Ta-152C (the aircraft was given the Ta designation vice Fw in honor of Kurt Tank who designed it), was built in very small numbers, the fighter-bomber wasn't built at all, so most 152s were the high altitude version.
The Ta-152 H-0s were all initial production aircraft and prototypes that were developed from Fw-190A-8 airframes. They were virtually identical to the later Ta-152H-1. There is no external way to tell them apart other than serial numbers. The H-1 had extra fuel tanks in the wings which were not installed in the H-0. Ta-152H-0s were all assigned to one unit, JG 301, or kept as test aircraft. Those test aircraft were informally organized into Jagdstaffel Ta152. Their lack of range was not a problem by the time the unit was up to speed on the plane as lack of fuel prevented any long range flights. Often they were flown with only on-board fuel and didn't have the drop tank attached. It had superb speed and the ability to out run and out maneuver almost everything in the sky. It is a shame for the Germans that it came along so late as it was easily the best piston-engined fighter that the Luftwaffe had.
What Aoshima does give you are two different cowlings with cowl flaps o
Instructions are well done and provide Gunze paint references. Though the decal sheet appears to offer several options, some of those markings are for a different kit and only one set applies to this particular variant. The decals are well done as will go on quite well.
who are Ta-152 fans will appreciate this particular kit. Your editor built this
one back when it was initially issued and found a few niggles, but nothing
major. The end result was a very nice model and one that I think you will like.
Mongram Closeup #24: Ta-152 by Jeff Ethell, 1990
Focke-Wulf Ta-152 by Dietmar Harmann, 1999
March 2013
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