KIT: |
Fujimi 1/72 J1N1 Irving Set |
KIT # |
5410 |
¥5800 (about $US 60-65.00) |
See Review |
Set includes three different versions. |
With all the hoopla currently being bandied about regarding the latest Tamiya 1/48 kit, it might not be a bad idea to look at some of the same aircraft type available in the smaller scale of 1/72. Fujimi kits have had a rather checkered career. They tend to be either superb or not the greatest. Not to say that they are unbuildable; that is not the case at all. It is just that some of them are easier to build than others. One thing that is consistent in Fujimi's WWII Japanese kits is the paucity of internal detail. This continues with these releases. There is no wheel well detail and other than basic interior bits with decals for instrument panels, no detail is to be found there as well.
The exterior parts are the expected
engraved panel lines. Engines are front cylinder halves, which is fine for this
type since the engines are close cowled and little can be seen. The upper
fuselage is a separate part to take into account the many different variants
that are done. Each of the kits has just drop tanks as an option. One thing that
is provided are small sections of tubing that you can use to replace the kit gun
The three versions provided in this set are a J1N1 prototype, a Model 21 and Model 23. The prototype kit (shown) is molded in silver plastic. This is undoubtedly because the plane itself is in overall metal finish. Only one set of decals is provided for this particular kit.
The other two are molded in dark green plastic. The Model 21 is a night fighter version of the recon aircraft. These were all painted in overall dark green (and I used to think they were black) with black engine cowlings. Six different tail markings are offered for this variant, two of them with kill markings displayed on the aft fuselage. The other is the Model 23. This version has a cut down rear fuselage and a dedicated night fighter. It is painted just like the the Model 21 in overall dark green. Five different tail markings are provided on the decal sheet.
The decals are typical of Japanese kits in that they are well printed, a bit thick and probably a bit transparent as well; at least the whites and yellows. Instructions are more than adequate to help you build the kit. Colors callouts are provided as needed and referenced to Gunze paints with FS 595 numbers given where appropriate.
Overall the kit appear to be rather easy to build as there are not a great number of parts. I have never seen one built and that isn't really that surprising. MRC is/was the importer and had raised the price of Fujimi kits so high that I'm surprised that any were sold. Just one of these J1N kits was selling for over $35, an outrageous price to ask for such a simple kit!
Review kit courtesy of me and my wallet!
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