Tamiya 1/48 Mosquito B/PR.IV
KIT #: |
61066 |
2800 yen SRP |
Three options |
Scott Van Aken |
1999 tooling |

On 21 June 1941 the Air Ministry ordered that the last 10 Mosquitos, ordered as
photo-reconnaissance aircraft, should be converted to bombers. These 10 aircraft
were part of the original 1 March 1940 production order and became the B Mk IV
Series 1. W4052 was to be the prototype and flew for the first time on 8
September 1941.
The bomber prototype led to the B Mk IV, of which 273 were built: apart from the
10 Series 1s, all of the rest were built as Series 2s with extended nacelles,
revised exhaust manifolds, with integrated flame dampers, and larger tailplanes. Series
2 bombers also differed from the Series 1 in having an increased payload of four
500 lb (230 kg) bombs, instead of the four 250 pounds (110 kg) bombs of Series
1. This was made possible by cropping, or shortening the tail of the 500 pounds
(230 kg) bomb so that these four heavier weapons could be carried (or a 2,000 lb
(920;kg) total load). The B Mk IV entered service in May 1942 with 105 Squadron.
In April 1943 it was decided to convert a B Mk IV to carry a 4,000 lb
(1,800 kg) Blockbuster bomb (nicknamed a Cookie). The conversion, including
modified bomb bay suspension arrangements, bulged bomb bay doors and fairings,
was relatively straightforward and 54 B.IVs were modified and distributed to
squadrons of the Light Night Striking Force. 27 B Mk IVs were later converted
for special operations with the Highball anti-shipping weapon, and were used
by 618 Squadron, formed in April 1943 specifically to use this weapon. A B Mk
IV, DK290 was initially used as a trials aircraft for the bomb, followed
by DZ471,530 and 533. The B Mk IV had a maximum speed of 380 mph (610 km/h), a
cruising speed of 265 mph (426 km/h), ceiling of 34,000 ft (10,000 m), a range
of 2,040 nmi (3,780 km), and a climb rate of 2,500 ft per minute (762 m).
Tamiya's Mossie, considered by many to be the best ever done in this scale,
is now 20 years old. Hard to believe isn't it, but such is the case. Tamiya
has released this kit in several versions, this one being the initial bomber
version. From the look of things, the main changes between kits are supplied
on a single sprue with the majority of the airframe being the same from
boxing to boxing.
Interestingly, Tamiya wants you to start by building up the wings. This
includes the engine nacelles and the landing gear. Several folks have
commented that the landing gear is overly complex and difficult to install.
Complex it is, but knowing Tamiya, if you follow their guidance, it should
not be an issue. One thing that surprised me somewhat is that the gear wells
and inner doors are silver/bare metal instead of the expected RAF interior
green primer color.
It is only after those are done that the cockpit is attended to. This
includes building up several black boxes and building up the bomb bay.
Attached to this is a pair of stub spars on which to attach the wings. In
the bay you can either put four large bombs or the cameras if doing the
photo reconnaissance version. Those building the bomber and not wanting the
doors open can simply skip all the bits that go into the bomb bay. For the
PR.IV you'll still need to build it up for the cameras to be visible through
the openings in the bay. Doing an open bay means separating the doors as
they are molded in one piece. For those who like their models crewed, a
pilot and bombardier are included.
Once that is done, various bits are added to the inside of the nose and
fuselage halves those items are closed, with the fuselage halves trapping
the interior/bomb bay. The nose is then attached and all the various clear
bits added to the assembly. The cockpit canopy has separate side windows
with bulged fairings, making that part a bit tricky to mask. Prop assemblies
are built up, trapping within them the usual polycaps.
It is only now that the wings and tailplanes are attached The tailplanes are
upper and lower halves and the wings will require the tips attached. The two
lenses per tip have little indentations for you to color the 'bulb' within.
The kit also has an open crew hatch on the bottom and a ladder.
are typical Tamiya 'road map' style with Tamiya only paint references. The
interior color will need to be mixed if you are using Tamiya paints. The
decal sheet provides markings for three planes. Two B.IV bombers are dark
green/ocean grey on the upper side. The box art plane from 105 squadron has
medium sea grey undersides. The other from 109 squadron has black
undersides. The PR.IV from 540 squadron is overall pru blue. The
decals are nicely printed and include belt and instrument panel decals.
This kit has been built by the thousands and every one I've
seen has been very nice. The kit is fairly inexpensive in the scheme of things
and there is no reason why your next Mossie build should not be this one. I've
seen these as low as $25.00 shipped as a 'used' kit.
August 2019
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