Testors Lacquer Metallic Paints
PRICE: $4.99 a can
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: Use in a well ventilated area and wear a respirator

I was quite surprised a bit back by a package from Testors with cans of six of their new colors. Now I have not been one who has much interest in using rattle cans, but I know a LOT of car modelers who find them quite useful and produce superlative results using them.

So it was with some interest that I decided to give one of these a try. Most of Testors paints are enamels or acrylics, with the lacquers previously being used only by the Floquil brand for painting the inside of clear Lexan bodies for R/C cars. These paints are very 'hot' to stick to the Lexan and are not suitable for styrene.

However, lacquer has several benefits and those are superior stick and the possibility of getting a mirror-like shine that can't really be duplicated by enamels. Many of the more impressive car modelers use automotive lacquers on their work so it only makes sense that Testors would want to provide the same products.

So I thought I'd give these paints a try. First of all when spraying them they certainly don't smell like most lacquers or lacquer thinner. The odor is quite benign and not at all pungent. Means you won't stink up the house with it. The paint also goes on quite smoothly. I put on two coats of each color and probably overdid it as I'm not very proficient with rattle cans. They tend to produce a lot more paint than my airbrush.

However, the finish is quite nice and seems smooth to the touch. I'm sure it is 'rocky and bumpy' to most car modelers, but to my eye, it is nice and should handle buffing quite nicely. It is also quite vibrant. I painted the Inca Gold first, then after about 3 hours, masked and sprayed on some Lime Ice to see if there would be any problems. No problems at all and the gold sort of shows through in the green color. I think it turned out quite well and I think you will as well.

It should be available at all your favorite retailers or on line at the Testors website listed below.

December 2007

Thanks to and DLV Company for the review paint. You can find Testors paints favorite hobby shop or on-line at www.testors.com

If you would like your product reviewed fairly and quickly, please contact me or see other details in the Note to Contributors.

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