Noy's Miniatures 1/72 IAF Hardened Shelter

Those of you who are long time readers of MM will know about Noy's Miniatures products. Noy produces high quality printed paper display bases and other accessories. These are all on high quality cardstock and are provided in a variety of scales.

This particular one is their latest 1/72 IAF hardened shelter set. The set consists of two superbly printed sections. One section is the ramp area in front of the shelter and the other is the face of the shelter itself. Those who want to really make an impressive display could cut out the blackened area in the front of the face and build up the shelter interior.


For this display I used one of my F-18E Super Hornets as I couldn't find the IAF F-16 that I built many years ago. I must have packed it away. As you can see, the shelter will fit an F-15, but the super bug would be a tight fit!.

These are apiece of cake to set up. I used blue painters tape to hold the pieces in place. If making a more permanent display using these, it would be useful to have a couple of braces for the back section to hold it upright.

These are a great idea and apparently sell quite well. They are a superb way to show off your model either at home or as a setting in a show. The set is available in all the major aircraft scales. I should also mention that they are superbly packaged to prevent damage and arrive in a reasonable amount of time.

For more information on getting yours, contact  for further details.

December 2020

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