Special Mask M72016: 1/72 P-40N/Kittyhawk IV


$5.20 plus shipping from Czechia


Scott Van Aken


For the Special Hobby kit.

Anymore, when I order a kit that I plan on building, I'll also order a set of canopy masks to go along with it. While in the past, I'd have bypassed this purchase, as I've grown older I've found that I'm not quite as steady as I used to be when it comes to cutting masks on the transparencies, so these sorts of things are worth the additional expense.

This set is typical of Special Masks in that they are made with kabuki tape. Now an issue I've found with nearly all aftermarket masks are that first off, they don't like to stick to fairly extreme curves for more than a day or so, meaning the area needs to be painted shortly after application. I've also discovered that the really small bits are not only a pain to attach, but also tend to be easy to knock off. So while useful, these sorts of things do have limitations.

As you can see this set not only tackles the canopy but also the wheel hubs, making the wheels easier to paint. This is a fairly straight forward set and the instructions provide a usable guide as to which mask goes on which pane.

I've used a number of similar sets and can always recommend them. 

October 2024

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