MH Models X72010 A-20C Havoc/Boston Canopy Mask


$~$4.00 plus shipping


Scott Van Aken


For the MPM/Special Hobby kit

An item that has become quite useful to many of us are camouflage masks. This is something that is especially true for some of the more complex transparencies and the A-20 is no exception. This set is for the MPM/Special Hobby A-20C. I have a bunch of MPM/SH A-20s and while the DB.7 I'm currently building is by no means an easy kit, it is not impossible either. Thanks to the mass of panes on the clear parts, this set will come in quite handy. The vinyl is really very thin and conforms well. I've had no issues using these masks on my current build.

I ordered these from a shop in Poland and they took about two weeks to arrive.

September 2024

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