Kit Masx 48-038: F-4C/D Phantom II




Scott Van Aken


For the Monogram kit

This set from Kit Masx is a canopy and wheel set for the Monogram 1/48 F-4C/D Phantom II that has also been found in Revell boxes. This set includes both inside and outside masks. It also provides masks for the main wheels and the nose wheels. Note that you'll need some sort of masking fluid for the two canopies as their compound curve makes solid masks unworkable. This is the Tamiya tape mask set, though it is also available at a lower price as a vinyl mask.

Though no placement guide is provided, there really is no need as the placement is pretty easy to intuit. I'd show you the mask set, but all you'd see is a blank light tan square.

Thanks to Kitmasx for the review set. You can get yours today at this link.

April 2023

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