Kit Masx 48-012: Bf-109E-3 Canopy and Wheel Masks
$8.00 |
For the Tamiya 1/48 kit |
This set from Kit Masx is
a nice canopy and wheel mask for the Tamiya 1/48 Bf-109E-3. This kit is a real
favorite for many modelers as it has excellent engineering and is not as fiddly
as some of the newer kits of this aircraft. This set includes both the inside
and the outside of the clear parts as Tamiya's bits include a separate canopy
that can be posed open.
These are really useful and easy to use. Though no placement guide is provided, there really is no need as this is a pretty straightforward set. This set is on vinyl and it is also available in a Tamiya tape set if you so wish. Note that this can not be used on the later E-4/7 versions as those had a slightly different canopy and windscreen.
Thanks to Kitmasx for the review set. You can get yours today at this link.
July 2022
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