Dead Design 1/48 A6M2a/b model 11/21 Insignia Masks (white outline)

KIT #: VM48139
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: For the Eduard kit

This Dead Design offering is a set of masks for the recent release of an A6M2a from Eduard. This is a set of insignia masks. These masks include the white outline. In addition, you get masks for the prop stripes, landing gear doors, and the oil/fuel filler caps.

These are really easy to use. Last time I used a set like this, I painted the area white, applied the outline mask, then painted the red area. Note that the actual color of the red is somewhat in doubt with some feeling it is fairly bright while others thinking it is a darker red. Though the set states it is for the Eduard kit, in reality you can use it on any 1/48 A6M except perhaps the A6M5 as the wing was wider near the outside. If you have never used paint masks for insignia, this would be a great set to do your first. Well worth picking up.

March 2022

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