Aeromask AM48-F201: Mitsubishi F-2A/B




Scott Van Aken


For the Hasegawa kit

This particular set from Aero Mask is for the 1/48 Mitsubishi F-2. The only kit of which I know in this scale is the one by Hasegawa and while it is not a brand new tooling, it is probably the best we will see in a while. Fortunately, it is nicely done and will make into a nice model. These planes were built to replace the F-1 and are designed to be anti-ship fighters. Hence the two blues pattern.

This set of masks is like their others where you don't have to dig out the mask as Aeromask has already done that for you. Each of the masks is numbered and all you need to do is to is follow the instructions. The set is designed to fit atop the darker of the two blues and once on, you simply apply the lighter shade. Instructions are in full color and give you an exact sequence. Basically you do the radome, canopy and exhaust first, mask those off and then spray the dark blue.

I have used these masks before and they really stick tight. So much so that if you have not applied the paint over primer, there is a pretty good chance you'll peel up the paint when you remove the maskings. When I did the Hunter, I discovered that you have to pull these off quite slowly or you'll leave a bit of residue. This residue is easy enough to pull up with Scotch tape. While you might be able to get away with no primer when spraying lacquers. But with acrylics, primer is a must.

May 2023

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